Monday 6 August 2012

Less Than 5 Weeks To Go....

Yee-ha ! The hugely anticapted Kilham Beer & Music Festival is nearly upon us. Friday 7 September sees the opening of the first ever Kilham Beer & Music Festival being hosted by your Kilham Playing Field.

Great real ales & ciders, a bottle bar, great food & super-fantastic music from a range of local bands, including the brilliant Big Me, the stunning Flamborough-based Seafret, local legend Poppy Shrimpton, The Moonshine Music Men & much, much more...

Come join us for what promises to be a spectacular festival event & be sure to follow our Facebook & Twitter pages for the very latest information. More details about everything available from our dedicated website at

Hopefully see you there....

Sunday 1 July 2012

Anyone Fancy A Beer ?

The summer weather is still deciding whether or not to make an appearance, but one thing is for certain & that's the first ever Kilham Beer Festival at the Kilham Playing Field.

As mentioned in a previous blog entry, all has now been approved & Friday 7 September to Sunday 9 September will see your playing field host it's first beer festival. With over 30 real ales & ciders on offer, plus live music from local bands, fun & games for all the family & great food throughout the 3 days, this promises to be a very, very special event. Limited camping spaces are also available for those outside walking distance of the playing field, unless anyone in Kilham fancies themselves as Bear Grylls & wants to spend a night under the stars.

Information will constantly be provided via dedicated Beer Festival Twitter & Facebook pages, so this writer would encourage you all to sign-up to those pages in order to stay informed.

More details about the beer festival, plus links to the Twitter & Facebook pages are available from the beer festival website

All profits from this event will go directly to the Kilham Playing Field's continued development, so please tell your friends & ask them to tell their friends as well.

Drinking, live music, dancing & great food - it should be a rocking 3 days !

Hopefully see you there...

Tuesday 29 May 2012

News, News and More News

Greetings playing field fans.

Not content with providing you with just one snippet of information, this latest blog entry contains 3 lip-smacking pieces of fantastic information for all you KPF-lovers out there.

So, without any further delay & in chronological order.....

1. The recent (& very arduous) Yorkshire 3 Peaks Walk was completed by 40 people & has raised a staggering £3,500. All of this money will obviously be spent further developing your Kilham playing field, so I would like to thank everyone that gave to this (either in monetary terms or in blood, sweat, aching muscles & burst blisters). Anyone wishing to see what they missed out on (or those wishing to see the glorious weather & conditions that those 40 brave souls endured) can check out our Facebook photo album.

2. The tennis courts are now up & running, with league games being played. Membership details or enquiries can be found by emailing us at  Will also be posting future game dates, results & action photos shortly.

3. The "top secret" news that I couldn't reveal on the previous blog post can now be unveiled & everyone at the Kilham Playing Field Association is extremely excited to announce that the Kilham Playing Field will be hosting a BEER & MUSIC FESTIVAL this summer. A huge range of ales will be available & live music will be there to keep you entertained. There will be a number of local acts / bands / turns performing, including an amazing performer from Kilham itself. More details will be posted here soon, as well as on our Facebook page & our official website - so keep 'em peeled & we look forward to seeing you there. However, in line with EU Directives, please remember to drink & dance responsibly.

Finally, with the recent weather being super-scorchio, don't forget to Slip, Slop & Slap when visiting your playing field.

Ciao for now...

Monday 26 March 2012

You Wait For Ages & Then Three Come Along All At Once

As promised, please find the following pics of our shiny new tennis courts. The nets are still to be tensioned-up, but I think you'll agree that all looks lovely & that this is a truly fantastic addition to the village facilities.

The first official league games take place in the back-half of April, but will keep you posted of dates as soon as confirmed.

Also, does anyone think we need some Kilham Cheerleaders to bring some extra "razzamatazz" to matchday proceedings, or maybe even a singing section to provide some support to our village players ? Answers or suggestions for amusing (& family-friendly) songs can be posted as comments to this blog entry.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Court Appearance

The Olympic year is positively in full swing, so now is as good a time as any for an update regarding all things Kilham Playing Field & have I got some exciting news for you all....

Many, many blogs ago, this writer suggested that you dust off your tennis bats (& those Cliff Richard records) in anticipation of the new tennis courts being built at your Kilham Playing Field. Since that time, much has been happening & I can now officially announce that the Kilham Tennis Club is now (almost) open..... Hooray !!!

Officially, things won't be ready until some time this weekend. But I wanted to let you know what was happening.... Will also post some pictures up here in the next couple of days.

However, before you all go into the garage to dust-off your bats & balls, if you fancy playing tennis at the playing field, then along with the arrival of the 3 grass courts, there are some rules you need to play by. Only members of the newly founded Kilham Tennis Club will be able to play & access to the courts will be restricted accordingly. Membership fees are very reasonable though & will be used to ensure the up-keep of these facilities & allow for tip-top tennis. More details are in the latest Kilham newsletter, however if you would like to know more, then please just get in touch via the new tennis email address -

However, for those who fancy their tennis in a more informal style (jeans instead of white shorts with ironed creases) much effort is currently being spent in raising funds to provide a hard court version, which will be open to all 24x7x365. This isn't going to happen overnight as they do cost a few bob to make, so fund raising events such as the 3 Peaks Walk will all be helping to contribute to the funds.

On the subject of the 3 Peaks Walk (aka Steve Greaves Challenge) there are 42 people confirmed & will be heading out on 21/4 to punish their bodies in aid of you & your playing field. I'm sure you'll wish them all well & I'll report back on how things went very soon.

Finally, there is a top secret summer event being worked upon. Can't say too much at this time, but with the Queen's Jubilee event this June, the usual Gala Day / Night won't be happening this year. However, something else truly spectacular is being developed in a hidden Kilham laboratory which will hopefully be THE event of the summer (perhaps even better than the Olympics !) More tit-bits coming soon & will confirm everything as soon as possible....

I hope that you all have a fantastic Easter break & look forward to seeing you at the playing field soon. Until then, ciao for now...

Monday 9 January 2012

Best Foot Forward (followed by the other one)

Happy New Year to all you Kilham Playing Field blog readers.And what better way to start the year than with a fund-raising challenge ?

Yes, the annual Kilham Playing Field Association challenge is back & it only seems like a year ago that the last annual challenge was held. Anyway, 2012 raises the bar both in terms of challenge & beauty with the invitation to join the group completing the sponsored Yorkshire 3 Peaks Walk. Much better than the National version which ventures outside of Yorkshire (& even into different countries), this stunningly beautiful walk takes in the best that the Pennines range has to offer, which (history lesson alert !) in the olden days (before t'internet) acted to protect Yorkshire from invasion by those of a Red Rose persuasion.

The distance is 24.5 miles & has a target time of 12 hours. 3 hills (peaks) are predictably encountered during the walk, namely Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside & Ingleborough (see the pics. below). There are also 2 pubs encountered during the walk, conveniently one between each hill. However, this writer would most definitely not encourage stopping for a cheeky pint at the bottom of Whernside as experience dictates that one's legs tend to seize-up quite dramatically whilst enjoying a Black Sheep & some pork scratchings before then attempting the Ingleborough ascent. However, each to their own...

A number of people are already signed-up for the walk, so this is a great chance to join in, have a fantastic day & also raise some funds for the continued development of the Kilham Playing Field.

The date for the walk is Saturday 21 April 2012 & is expected to start at around 07:00. Logistics need to be sorted as this walk obviously doesn't begin in Kilham, but contact Steve (see below) & he can advise.

For more information about all of this, Steve "Challenge" Greaves is your man in the know & can be contacted on 01262 420023. Alternatively, drop the playing field people an email via

Hope to see you there...




Saturday 5 November 2011

Pretty Lights

There were many whizzes, bangs, ooohh's & aaaahhh's on offer during the evening of Friday 4 November 2011 at your Kilham Playing Field.

The 2nd bonfire & firework spectacular was held & was a flaming success (ha ha !). Over 800 people came & experienced an assault on the senses by the plethora of fireworks, as well as marvelling at the towering inferno that was the bonfire (which may still be chugging along at the time of writing).

The bar & food all seemed to be enjoyed by many, with a great night being had by all. The new play / fitness equipment also got a thorough work-out by hordes of Brian Jacks wannabees (for those younger than this writer, just Google "Brian Jacks Superstars" & learn about the true use of the word 'LEGEND').

Are a few pictures below of some pretty lights, plus here is a link to a video of the culmination of the firework extravaganza for those who wish to reminisce (or just see what you missed out on if you didn't come along).

Will hopefully be the 3rd annual bonfire & firework spectacular this time next year & will keep you updated via our website & Facebook pages.

Finally, thanks to everyone who came & supported this event (any profits raised will go toward the continued development of the playing field). Thanks also to everyone who made this happen.

Ciao for now...