Sunday 20 March 2011

Swinging Times

The new swings are now in place. 2 junior swings & an infant swing, plus the all-important safety surface on the floor.

A quick pic below, plus more on our website.

Thursday 10 March 2011

New News - Lyke Wake Walk

The Wolds Way Walk is dead...  Long live The Lyke Wake Walk.

Walking is back & even more fashionable than ever. To celebrate this, The Lyke Wake Walk is taking place on Saturday 7 May 2011. More details on the poster below, but is a fantastic opportunity for a spot of walking exercise, as well as raising funds for The Kilham Playing Field.

More details of the walk itself can be found here.

Old News

Just to bring things up-to-date, below is a list of all old news items, dating back to 2009 & the launch of the Kilham Playing Field.

It was during the immortal & highly under-rated 1989 silver-screen classic by Kevin Costner, Field Of Dreams, that The Voice declared "Build it and they will come...".
On 5 November 2010 (21 years on from that memorable moment), a towering bonfire & majestic firework display were built at the Kilham Playing Field & The Voice's promise was met by over 750 people dutifully arriving at The Voice's fiefdom.
With Helen & Lauren at The Old Star in Kilham originally hearing this premonition & being ably supported by a cast of about 10, the reinstatement of the annual Kilham bonfire & firework display was delivered with aplomb.
A truly fantastic evening was had by the hundreds of attendees, with a seriously huge bonfire & a blindingly fantastic assault on the senses courtesy of a stupendous firework extravaganza.
With a greatly appreciated range of beers supplied by The Old Star in order to quench people's thirst & a mouth-watering array of food courtesy of The Bay Horse in order to satisfy people's appetites, the crowds were in great humour & a thoroughly brilliant time was had by all.
Many, many thanks to everyone who came & enjoyed this event. We will hopefully see you all again in 2011.
All together now...  Oooohhh....... Aaaahhhhhh.....  !!!!

It may be a while before Kilham is officially recognised as the "5th Grand Slam", but tennis is definitely now on its way to the village.

Following absolutely fantastic support from the Grassroots Grants Scheme, the ground works have been done & a huge amount of grass seed has been laid. Then, as long as the sun & the rain work their magic, there will be 3 spanking new tennis courts available for use in time for Summer 2011.

News will continue to be posted here on how things are progressing & it is expected that the facilities will be managed by a separate tennis association in order to ensure the very best use of the facilities.

So, what are you waiting for... Get practising making those scones, get those strawberries sown & (in case it rains) get those old Cliff Richards records ready. Tennis is coming to town...

It's back - & bigger than ever before !!!

The annual cycle ride returned & this time the gauntlet was thrown down. Following the great success of last year's ride, there were 4 rides to choose from - 30 miles, 15 miles, 6 miles & the main event of 3 miles around the village.

Despite the weather making the rides even more arduous, a truly fantastic turnout was experienced & a tremendous time was had by all.

Over £500 was raised in entry fees & raffle tickets, so thank you to everyone who made this event such a success.

See you again next year...

They thought it was all over......but it had only just begun.

Creating village folklore for generations to come, Saturday 11 September 2010 saw the first kick of the first competitive game when Kilham's The Bay Horse hosted Nafferton's Old Boys.

At 2pm on this gloriously sunny day, the kick-off took place & kick-started this new home venue for Kilham's home team. Suitably, the first goal to be scored was a truly sublime 25 yard lofted effort from Kilham's Liam Hart, who simply stroked the ball from the left corner of the penalty box, which then drifted effortlessly over the forlorn Nafferton keeper & nestled sweetly in the top corner of Nafferton's goal (or the stanchion in old money) - a truly majestic goal that would have befitted any professional fixture. Unfortunately, things went downhill slightly after that goal, but there's always next time... However, this was an appropriate tribute to the opening of this newest facility on Kilham's playing field & who knows, maybe there'll be some scouts hiding amongst the crowds in future games.

The grand opening of the new Kilham playing field & a celebratory family fun day was held on Sunday 18 July 2010.

Starting at 1pm, there was a range of sporting events - ranging from tug o' war, welly throwing, karate demonstrations, a Gladiators-style greasy pole & a huge bouncy slide. A range of stalls were also open for the afternoon, as well as great food & a bar.

Below is a picture of the winning Tug Of War men's team from The Bay Horse Pub.

Over £2,000 was raised to help develop the playing field, with more details about new additions coming soon...

Many thanks for all your help.

During the bank holiday weekend 1 May - 3 May 2010, a daring group of people set out on the infamous Wolds Way walk to help raise funds towards the Kilham playing field. 3 days & 78 miles later (as well as numerous blisters & a van-load of Compeed) the walk was successfully completed & over £2,200 was raised to help support the plans for the playing field.

Many, many thanks to all who triumphed over this most significant of challenges, as well as all those who sponsored these intrepid explorers (who are pictured below at the climax of their adventure).

The Kilham Rag & Bone Day was held on Sunday 18 April, asking village residents to donate any old clothing which would then be weighed & magically converted to cash.

Over 1.5 tonnes of clothing was collected & raised a fantastic £773.50.

Many thanks to everyone who donated clothing & in particular to Helen & Lauren at The Old Star who organised the event.

A Race Night was held on Saturday 6 March to help raise funds for the playing field & the event was a spectacular success. The total raised was £2,164.

Many, many thanks to everyone who supported this race night & donated money to the cause. Also, special thanks to Anita & Gerald who organised the evening.

In order to design a logo for the Kilham Playing Field Association, all the children at Kilham school entered a competition. The best design chosen was by Libby Martin, who is accompanied by Dennis Hardwick, Headmaster of Kilham school & Russell Wykes from the Kilham Playing Field Association.

In recognition of her efforts, Libby was awarded vouchers from a Driffield-based sports store & her logo is now featured throughout this website & on all promotional material used on behalf of the playing field.

Well done Libby...